Adventures in Maine: Bar Harbor & Augusta & Portland

I’m calling it right now: this post is going to begin with the intention of being a semi-professional and helpful travel guide and then end up meandering into a photo dump and a collection of thoughts roughly centered around what I did in Maine. With that prediction made, ALL ABOARD FOR


(said loudly in that classic train conductor voice)


Acadia National Park


Have you ever seen one of those “advice from a blank” lists? Off the top of my head, the one I remember seeing on Pinterest the most is about pineapples: something like be sweet and always wear a crown? Which I feel like can be pretty misleading advice.

First of all, I agree that pineapples are sweet. But, sometimes they’re also that type of sour that makes my tongue feel weird, like the teeth rubbing against coarse chopsticks feeling. Kiwi does the same thing. That description might be totally wrong. It’s based off my last memory of that happening, which feels like a long time ago, and as Malcolm Gladwell shows (shameless plug for the greatness of podcasts), memories can be very finicky things.

I would also like to note that pineapples are prickly.

Jordan Pond, the first pond I think I’ve ever been to. It was a good one too.

Anyways, the point is that inside the visitor center, there was an “advice from a blueberry” card, and two of the lines on it made me laugh: “be well-rounded” and “it’s OK to be a little blue.”

At Acadia, we (the parentals and I- that’s what I mean whenever I say “we”) started off by going on the basic car loop thing that goes around the park. Then we went to Cadillac Mountain, Jordan Pond, and the Wild Gardens of Acadia.

A pose stolen from the “girlfriend leads photographer around the world series.” You should check them out, they’re cool.

The day we were there it was really foggy. That’s why it might seem like the picture above was edited with maximum exposure and contrast- at least I think that’s what it looks like? But it’s not edited at all. Turns out fog is an organic filter.

The picture doesn’t convey it that well, but some of the trees looked like they were dancing.
Me trying to take advantage of the wind and make it look like I had an awesome cape blowing behind me- didn’t exactly work


Jordan Pond House

I’m pretty sure Jordan Pond House is the only place to eat in the entire national park. I got a sandwich and this salad that was too healthy. Question: why do so many ham sandwiches have so much ham in them? When people make sandwhiches at school, I’ve don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone put multiple slices on their sandwhich, but when you buy one, there’s like a huge hunk of it.

Also, the waiter gave us a free popover because I guess the food was taking longer than usual. A popover is like a pastry similar to croissant but not as flaky and has egg on the inside. It came with jam and butter. I was excited to try it because I had seen it mentioned as delicious on a blog, but it was just okay.

Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound


I personally don’t like the taste or texture of lobster. But, my dad is a fan and my mom, who is heavily swayed by recommendations, had been told by her friend that lobster and Maine is like Wisconsin to cheese or Idaho to potatoes or Texas to BBQ (not those exact words, just the general gist), so eating at a lobster place was bound to happen.

Where the lobster was cooked

When you order at this place, they open up this large cooler look-alike box filled with live lobsters and you literally get to choose which specific lobster you want to eat. Okay, that sounds a little morbid. Anyways, my dad got too excited and asked for two, which ended up being too much.


While my dad was paying, I was shocked with how much it cost. It wasn’t because Trenton Bridge was trying to scam tourists- from the prices restaurants near the hotel gave, $15 for a pound of lobster was a good deal. Even though I already knew in the back of my head that lobster was expensive because of books and looking at restaurant menus in general, I was still surprised. Which leads to another thought- I wonder how many of the social cues I know are from reading?



The capitol 


At first, we accidentally joined this private tour for a group of Russian tourists that was going on, which was when I took the following picture. I’m glad to see that some person working for Maine’s government appreciates puns as much as I do.


We also went to something along the lines of the Library Archives Museum across the street. It was the kind my parents like- a lot to see and read and look at, but not particularly that interesting. There was a lot about this Stark couple (at least I think it was this museum), which made me think of certain superhero every single time.


Red Curry Thai Restaurant

No picture for this one, oops. You know, I have a newfound admiration for food and travel bloggers. Remembering to take pictures of everything is hard. Notable points: My portion of rice came in a heart shape, and there was a husband and wife eating there that we saw while walking around at the capitol the next day.



Longfellow Books


They had gently read non-fiction and fiction shelves which was awesome. I found My Brilliant Friend on the fiction side and bought it. In my opinion, My Brilliant Friend is another one of those “take over the internet” books. From the reviews it also seems to be dividing one- a book where people either love it or hate it. I wasn’t either. I read it because it seemed like a good book to have read, but I still think I would have finished it even without that push. But I did not like it enough to read the next three books in the series- I just looked up spoilers.

I also stopped by in a store called More&Co but didn’t get anything.

The coolest (and only) lighthouse I saw in Maine.

Portland Museum of Art


The type of art at art museums that I always find myself drawn to
Dude, look at those waves! (Haha, that sentence sounds out of place here.)

Wadsworth-Longfellow HouseIMG_5061

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a writer I had heard of before, but I didn’t know what exactly he famous for. I wasn’t even sure if he was a writer or a poet- he’s a poet. This is the man who made Paul Revere famous with “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

You know how museums and stuff have don’t touch signs? Well, this house did too, but instead of basic messages like “please do not touch,” there were these small, snarky warnings scattered throughout the rooms. I thought they were hilarious and took pictures of all of them. Here’s a couple to show you what I’m talking about.

On the piano: Trust me, no one wants to hear you play Chopsticks on this piano. Hands off, buddy.
On a chest: I don’t always touch the artifacts at museums, but when I do, I am usually asked to leave.
On a table: Taking a selfie with me is way more flattering than being photographed for the PEOPLE WHO TOUCH THINGS WALL OF SHAME.
On a bed: Were you thinking of lying down on this bed? Let’s put that idea to rest.
On a chair: “No one should ever sit on this furniture. It’s not even comfortable. Trust me.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (probably)

I love that someone took the time to do this.

This house is also where he wrote the poem “Rainy Day.” I’d never heard of it before visiting the museum, but I like it.

“The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.”

We also visited the McLellan House and the Victoria Mansion.


Tandem Bakery

I got a sandwhich and a molasses cookie. Both were fine. To my ears, the description of “fine” for food actually sounds worse than neutral. But from me, it’s really not a negative adjective at all. For me, restaurant food falls into one of three categories: good, not good, and fine. Off the top of my head, I can think of two meals that I would put under the not good category and five for good. I would label everything else, which is the overwhelming majority, as “fine.”

Holy Donut


And finally, the famous potato donut shop. When I asked the guy which one was their most popular flavor, he said Dark Chocolate & Sea Salt and Fresh Lemon, but that when it’s in season, Maine Blueberry sells well too, if not as well. Which is what I ended up getting. It smelled really good, but this goes into the fine category too.


Oh my goodness, I think this might be the longest post I’ve written. Okay, I’m going to try and keep this postscript short. First of all, I’m planning on writing about the other states I went to (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire), so if one of those posts comes out in October, I did not skip school to visit one of the original thirteen colonies. That would kind of weird.

Now, the actual questions:
Do you like lobster?
Poem recommendations?
What donut flavor would you have chosen? 
Pomegranate sounds interesting too.

28 thoughts on “Adventures in Maine: Bar Harbor & Augusta & Portland”

  1. I love all your pictures. The fog has a sort of hauntingly beautiful effect, and now that you say it, those trees do look like they’re dancing. And art museums and book stores and cobblestone streets. Ahhhhh, it makes me want to travel more.
    The “do not touch” signs in Wadsworth-Longfellow’s house sound fantastic 🙂 I love it when people do little things like that.
    I think I would like to try the dark chocolate vanilla glaze doughnut… Well now I’m hungry.
    Poem recommendations? There’s a short book of illustrated poetry by James Stevenson called “The Shop Around the Corner which has several that I really like. They’re short and thoughtful and funny. I also like the “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Elliot. It’s really long and honestly I don’t understand a lot of it, but there’s some really cool imagery and I love the line “Do I dare/ disturb the universe?”
    I look forward to your posts about the other states you visited! I really enjoy your travel posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I feel like fog can either be hauntingly beautiful and perfect for a haunted house or it can be like a friendly, fuzzy blanket. Ah, I’m so glad you see it too! Haha, your description makes me want to travel more too.
      Ha, they were- I know right!
      Yea, I think chocolate and donuts tend to have that effect on people. ;))
      Ahh, recommendations! I was able to find a few of James Stevenson’s poems: To People I Hear Loudly Talking On Their Cell Phones, The New Kid On the Block, Don’t Catch a Falling Sword. Okay, I didn’t get a lot of The Love Song of JAP either, but I can feel that it’s beautiful.
      Why thank you, that is very kind of you to say. :))

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your awesome cape attempt. 🙂 And “fog is a natural filter.” I kind of love fog sometimes, (just not when I’m driving or wanting to see a great distance) and that’s just another reason for it.
    I have never tasted lobster and I don’t think I ever will, but that is so wonderfully morbid that you got to see your food alive at the restaurant before you ate it! That happens much if you live on a farm of course, but not so much at McDonald’s. Can you imagine if they had a herd of cows in the back of a burger place? Okay, well…
    Haha, that is an awesome way to keep people from touching stuff! That is a cool poem. Unfortunately I don’t read much poetry, and the poetry I do end up reading is mostly wacky stuff, like Shel Sliverstein and Jack Prelutsky, (like Dr. Seuss stuff basically) which is fun but it’s certainly not Yates, is it? (I don’t even know what Yates wrote, but I know he’s a famous poet, so…) I did read some more serious poems for school once upon a time, but I don’t remember any of them right now, except “The Road Not Taken” but Robert Frost, which I really like.
    Your food pictures are really nice. 🙂
    I probably would have picked the fresh lemon doughnut.
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Why thank you. :)) Yes, I agree! To me, fog kind of feels like a huge fuzzy blanket around everything- but if I had to live with it constantly, I think it would affect my mood negatively.
      HA- my prediction is that if all fast food places had to start having live animals like the lobster place I went to did, they would go out of business very quickly.
      I know right? I don’t read much poetry either, but it’s something I always wanted to get into. Oh, I haven’t heard of Prelutsky- okay I looked up some of his poems, and haha, A Centipede Was Thirsty is funny. I’ve never heard of Yates. Hm, is it possible that you’re talking about Yeats? It says there was an Irish poet named William Butler Yeats. Yes, The Road Not Taken! I remember a guy in my class recited that one during our poem unit.
      Thank you!!
      Ahh, that sounds delicious right now.
      Thank you again. :))

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it would be the same with me- fog is cool, but too much of it is a bit depressive.
        Two other funny ones are “My Mother Makes Me Chicken” and “Chuck,” and if you want something really tragic, there’s “The Jellybean Brigade.”
        Excuse me, yes, Yeats is indeed the name I meant to type. William Butler is the man.
        Doesn’t it? Doughnuts are quite appealing.
        You are very welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you thank you for the poem recommendations. :)) Oh my, you’re right, The Jellybean Brigade poem is tragic- but the narrator doesn’t seem that disturbed.
          I agree, donuts ARE appealing. Have you ever had Krispy Kreme?

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Oh, they’re donuts are goood. You probably haven’t heard of Rhett and Link, but they have this Youtube channel called Good Mythical Morning, and they did a blind donut taste test video where they described the fluffiness of Krispy Kreme donuts as “the ghost of a ghost donut.”

              Liked by 1 person

  3. The museum puns, oh my gosh. That museum looks stunning too. And Holy Donut is making me hungry, agh (and I just ate dinner); actually, your food photos in general. I haven’t fully tried lobster until this year, which is pretty good. As for poem recommendations, try “Poetry of Departures!” It kind of runs the same vein as Rainy Day.

    xoxo Abigail Lennah | Story-Eyed

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha, I know right?? HA, I would apologize, but it wouldn’t be a genuine one. ;)) Oh nice, I’m glad you liked it! Ahh, thank you for the poem recommendation! Okay, let me look it up. I’m back: I had to read it twice to make sense of it-I like how it’s written, like a story but not as linear. It reads more like how we think.


  4. This was pretty interesting to read. I might be heading to Maine next summer..need some relief from the Texas that would be one more state crossed off! I was actually looking at airfare going to Portland a few weeks ago. It looks like the Capitol of Maine isn’t big at all!


  5. This looks like such a fun trip! I loved all your pictures. 🙂
    Oh, I know what you mean about the feeling pineapple gives your tongue. I get that feeling if I eat too many sweetarts, too. XD
    I agree with you on the ham sandwich thing- or with any deli meat sandwich, really. When I make my turkey sandwich for my school lunch, I use one or two slices and it’s a relatively thin sandwich. But at restaurants it’s like they give you 15 slices! Definitely strange. Also, that’s disappointing about the popover- I’ve never had one, but it sounds fancy and like it would be really good.
    The Portland Museum of Art looks really cool!
    HAHA, the ‘don’t touch’ signs sounds hilarious. That reminds me of how my biology teacher would write creepy warnings on class copies so we didn’t write on them. Instead of the typical “class copy- do not write” it would say “you will get stung by a thousand bees if you write on this.” A little creepy, but mostly funny. XD
    I can’t wait to see your posts about the other states you went to! I’ve been to Massachusetts and Rhode Island, so maybe we went to some of the same places. I always love reading posts about places I’ve been. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was! Oh thank you, I’m so glad you liked them. :))
      YES, you too! Hahaha, I have to say, that has not happened to me yet. When it comes to candy, I prefer chocolate (HA chocolate again) and sour gummy stuff.
      I KNOW RIGHT. Very strange. A mystery about deli meats.
      Ah, it’s alright. It’s hard to complain about free food. 😉
      It was!
      THEY WERE. Hahahaha, I love that. This is a crazy thought, but wouldn’t it be spectacular if there was like a Facebook group or something made up of people that think of interesting ways to phrase warnings?
      Thank you thank you! Oooh nice, it would be so fun if we did. I didn’t know this beforehand, but my friend actually went to the same Trenton lobster place as I did when she went to Maine!
      And thank you. :))

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome!
        Oh, I love chocolate too, and gummies…I guess I love everything candy related, haha.
        YES HAHA!
        True, very true…
        That would be hilarious! They could collaborate in an attempt to bring interesting-phrased warnings to museums across the world. XD
        Yeah it would! Oh, that’s really cool! I love coincidences like that.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post, Annie! I’ve never been to The U.S. mainland, so this post makes me want to travel to the U.S.! The place in my bucket list is Space Center Houston, Texas, but these places look interesting to visit!
    And no, I’ve never had lobsters. i don’t even know how to tackle them lol
    As for donuts, I usually go for old-fashioned with chocolate, but I’d like to try Maine Blueberry because obviously, main blueberry must be the main ingredients lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. :)) Oh wow, I’m so glad it makes you want to travel! Okay, I think I’ve been there but I’m honestly not sure, oops. Are you interested in astronauts and space and rockets?
      They gave us tools specifically for eating the lobsters! Which was good, it would have been awful if they didn’t.
      Oh yes, chocolate. If I go back, I want to try the chocolate and sea salt one. It sounds goood. Haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. It looks like you’ve had a lot of fun visiting National Park sites in up north! Have you considered getting a National Park passport (book of cancellations)? I’ve had mine for about three years now and it really makes visiting NPS sites so much more fun— plus, you end up seeing a lot of cool things you otherwise wouldn’t stop for.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I did! Ooh, I actually kept seeing those at the visitor centers but didn’t get one. What exactly is in it? Thank you very much for the recommendation, I will try and get one at the next National Park I go to!


      1. It’s essentially like a “passport” to all the National Parks— you get an official cancellation (stamp) with the date and location on it. The stamps are located in the visitor center of every National Park/National Historic Site, so basically at any place run by the NPS. I think it’s really cool because the National Park system is divided into several different regions, and each region has a different color stamp. A lot of places have multiple cancellation stamps because they cover more than one historical site, and in the bigger National parks each visitor center within the park has a different stamp. It depends on the place, sometimes you have to find the stamps (some of them may be behind the register). I can honestly say that it’s one of the best souvenirs I’ve ever bought and totally worth it because it allows me to get a little (free!) memento from each place I visit. Disclaimer: it gets super obsessive, but I have to admit that in my quest to find more stamps I’ve visited a lot more fascinating places than I would’ve otherwise. (If you’re interested, I can send you pictures some of the ones I’ve gotten so far.) 10/10 would recommend!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. AH, that’s very cool! I love that sometimes the stamps are hidden, and I also love that the Nation Park system created this. Thanks for the tip for where to find them! Hahaha, I usually try to stay away from possible obsessions (I tend to deal with them poorly), but this one seems like an exception. Yes, I would love to see the pictures! Darn, my only complaint is that you didn’t tell me about this before my trip. ;))


  8. That lighthouse is so pretty! And I wish all museums would make punny and just down right funny ‘do not touch signs’, I think people would appreciate them a lot more! 😂


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